IEPEC 1:  +962 64122443 IEPEC 2 : +962 6 4922144

IEPEC Competencies

IEPEC International Academy


Education helps to achieve knowledge, values, and skills.
IEPEC International Academy students are:

  • Responsible (Cambridge learner attribute)

Perform requested class assignments
Attend every class on time
Submit homework on time
Respect the ideas, beliefs, and opinions of others
Know that their actions will have an impact on others as well as the environment
Take ownership of their learning and become collaborative and supportive

  • Confident (Cambridge learner attributes)

Confident in working with information and ideas and can think for themselves critically and creatively
Can defend their point of view
Confident in communicating their subject knowledge and ideas
Confident body language and tone of voice
Can say NO when necessary


  • Engaged (Cambridge learner attribute)

Engaged intellectually and socially
Keen to learn new skills and work on new ideas
Can work independently but also with others
Embody (incorporate) a spirit of inquiry and research
Apply what they learn to real life situations


  • Innovative (Cambridge learner attributes)

Ask questions and find creative answers.
Share their ideas with others and develop them
Use creative and innovative approach, to solve new and unfamiliar problems.
Adaptable to different circumstances
Equipped for new challenges.


  • Reflective (Cambridge learner attribute)

Understand themselves as learners and are aware of their points of weakness and strength.
Know that quality learning will help them build their skills and help them shape their careers.
Think about what they have learned, and are able to connect this to their own lives
Develop the strategies to be lifelong learners.


  • Independent (IEPEC competency)

Can work on their own
Try to understand and solve problems on their own


  • Caring (IEPEC competency)

Show empathy, compassion, and respect towards others
Work to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the environment
Commitment to service towards the school and environment.


  • Communicator (IEPEC competency)

Good listener (good listening skills)
Can prepare and deliver successful presentations
Team player

  • Resilient (IEPEC competency)

1. Practice dealing with disappointment
2. Practice dealing with unmet expectations
3. Practice dealing with change